Soul Healing: Meaning, Benefits, Techniques and More - F and B Recipes (2024)

You’ve probably experienced a fair share of emotional trauma and pain as an adult. To be honest, this isn’t restricted by age and therefore, we see pre-teens and teens struggling with life. The good news is that soul healing can make a big difference.

Spiritual healing works best in combination with other ways and methods to overcome your problems. For instance, doing yoga every day or joining a support group to share your issues can remedy your situation.

But what happens when everything fails and you’re still left with debilitating pain? This is when you turn to soul healing.

Soul Healing: Meaning, Benefits, Techniques and More - F and B Recipes (1)

What is Soul Healing?

To understand the meaning of soul healing, you must first understand what we mean by soul.

The soul is that part of our self which we refer to as the ‘Supreme One’ or ‘God’. it comprises of certain qualities, generally known as Virtues. They’re taught to us at an early age by our parents, teachers and even strangers.

All religions and schools have some virtues that they strongly emphasize on. However, as we grow up, we tend to forget them. This leads to us going astray and our life quickly spirals out of control.

In order to transform your issues into blessings, it’s crucial for you to work on yourself as a whole.

Soul healing is an energy healing system that’s similar to Healing Touch, Reiki and medical Qi Gong. The only point of difference is that it’s done at the soul level. This means that it goes beyond physical or energetic healing. It has a powerful and direct impact on your life.

Soul healing is often confused with psychotherapy. The goal of psychotherapy is to help you overcome daily obstacles such as gambling, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, etc.

Soul Healing: Meaning, Benefits, Techniques and More - F and B Recipes (2)

On the other hand, soul healing focuses on your destiny and true self.

You need to focus on the spiritual path that will help you develop connections, build relationships and expand your spiritual awareness.

Spiritual healing when aligned with your soul’s spiritual path helps you excel in personal and professional life.

Our souls are impressive and we say this because they have the ability to heal on their own. All you need to do is unblock the energies to allow your soul to heal itself.

Don’t be surprised when you see a significant improvement in all of your areas of life i.e. physical, emotional, spiritual and mental state.

To sum up, if you want to lead a balanced life then you must nourish your soul by unlocking its memory to heal. Once you unblock your soul energy, it’ll help you heal in all areas you’re facing difficulties in which can be visible or hidden.

How Does Soul Healing Work?

Soul Healing: Meaning, Benefits, Techniques and More - F and B Recipes (3)

It’s based on the assumption that this life is the one. It has a series of incarnations that concentrate on fulfilling certain soul lessons.

True success can only be achieved when you connect with your true inner self and fulfil the desires of your soul.

Soul healing runs with the present life but it also acknowledges your past lives and has the ability to heal past lives’ karma that impact your present life.

The healer access upper, middle and lower spiritual worlds to directly work with the concerned spirits.

All the experiences that come from this journey tend to have a great impact on your everyday life.

Healers then use these experiences to look into all your problem areas where the flow of energy is being constricted. Once identified, they’ll work towards unblocking them and help you gain more self-awareness.

All these sessions are expressive, transpersonal and holistic art therapies. They simultaneously work at spiritual, physical, mental and emotional levels of your self causing a strong impact on your body in all shamanic and spiritual work.

Techniques Used in Soul Healing

Five special spiritual techniques are used to transform, bless and heal your soul and are as follows:

Soul Healing: Meaning, Benefits, Techniques and More - F and B Recipes (4)

#1. Sound power

The sound of soul and heart along with sacred soul songs and divine healing mantras is used to heal by increasing the vibration of energy.

#2. Breathing power

Advanced breathing techniques are used to boost and enhance the healing process.

#3. Body power

This technique uses a specific hand or body position to develop energy and heal itself.

#4. Soul power

This technique applies the power of the soul over matter to transform, bless and heal all aspects of your life.

#5. Mindpower

This technique applies to the power of the mind over matter. In simpler words, it means using the power of your mind including creative visualization and intention to transform, heal and bless each and every aspect of your life.

Benefits of Soul Healing

Dealing with your problem areas using soul healing will have a tremendous effect on the overall quality of life. Here are a few advantages of soul healing:

#1. Addresses The Root Cause

Your body can often project hidden problems by manifesting them into physical ailments. This is why healing your soul becomes crucial because it addresses the root cause of the problem that your body wants you to heal.

Learning to release or repattern these energetic blockages will lead to improvements in your symptoms you believed were rooted in medicine such as headaches.

#2. Unlock Energy and Love

You can be your own enemy in a lot of ways you might not even be aware of. Instead of focusing your energy on pleasing others, use it to love yourself.

Spiritual healing allows you to embrace yourself and opens new doors of compassion and love. It helps you overcome the vicious cycle of judgement, blame and self-repression.

Once you accept yourself, you’ll begin to accept others too this will have a positive impact on all your important relationships.

#3. Move On

Do you want to feel empowered? Do you wish to get ahead in life and let go of the past?

Soul healing will not only help you do this but also give you wisdom and strength to lead an authentic, fulfilled life.

It’ll also help you take the journey of personal development and growth to help you reach new heights in all the spheres of your life.

Soul Healing: Meaning, Benefits, Techniques and More - F and B Recipes (5)

Other Benefits:

  • It helps you answer questions like ‘what to expert with shamanic healing’.
  • Spiritual healing practices will help you take the next step in your journey of awakening and personal growth.
  • Clears mental and emotional blocks and untangles your energy patterns.
  • It’ll help you align with your true inner self, your own healer, authentic self and best friend.
  • You can find harmony and peace from the comfort of your home by using techniques such as alchemical sprays, compassion poems and healing poetry.
  • Helps you connect with your deepest knowing that enables you to trust yourself, the life process and the universe.
  • It enables you to become the sole creator of your life, learn truths and find your own answers.
  • It strengthens and enhances your relationship with the Divine.
  • Provides you easy and real self-love and self-improvement tools.
  • Improves the connection of Who you are and helps you find yourself with inspiration, wisdom and healing.
  • Helps you adapt to a new, supportive and healthy life.
  • Enhances your self-image and empowers you to stand up for yourself.
  • Encourages you to make lasting changes in your life.
  • Teaches you to take care of yourself by prioritizing yourself.

To summarize, it helps you understand yourself in every possible way and helps you overcome professional and personal challenges.

How Can You Start?

You start the process of soul healing when you decide to do something good for yourself by immersing your true self in healing.

The best part about spiritual healing is that you can complete it via in-person as well as distant sessions.

Simply search for an authentic soul healing therapist near you. Your healer should help you guide through your spiritual path. He will help you bring your mind, body and soul in harmony.

Distant healing sessions are just as effective as in-person sessions as they’re generally only provided by experienced healers.

Spiritual healing can be approached by a number of methods and techniques. In order to find the best one for yourself, you need to find a soul healer that understands your issues and has the knowledge to overcome them.

Soul Healing Treatment

Treatments require commitment from your healer as well as yourself. The treatment times are short (about 30 minutes) as the healing can take immediate effect. Your practitioner will help you understand how to receive the treatment and notice its effects.

How Does it Help With Emotional, Mental or Physical Conditions?

All sickness and healing begin at the soul level. This concept has been acknowledged by modern as well as ancient healing modalities.

At your soul level, there exists a spiritual reason for everything that happens in your life.

Illness, physical pains and stress are caused by blockage of energy.

Can You Overcome Physical Illnesses With Soul Healing?

Soul Healing: Meaning, Benefits, Techniques and More - F and B Recipes (6)

It’s possible to heal physical illness using spiritual healing techniques. As pointed out earlier, physical illness begins at the soul level. They are either caused by our karmas in your present or past lives. When left unresolved, they manifest themselves into physical illnesses.

These problems can be fixed by getting Universal Energy into the picture. You’ll notice that when you start with spiritual healing, all your problems will automatically start resolving.

The Relationship Between Body, Mind and The Soul

They’re all joined as one. Your soul directs your body and mind and constantly interacts with them. Your soul is connected with every body part, organ, system and cell present in your body.

It directs the transformation of all the matter inside the cell and around it.

This is why your soul has the ability to heal all its issues as it has complete control over your mind and body.

How Can You Schedule an Appointment For a Reading or Healing?

There are a number of websites that offer healing services such as Flower Power Acupuncture. The cost of a session ranges from $35 to $150.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I strengthen my soul?

Here are a few exercises that will help you strengthen your soul:

  • Write
  • Be present in the moment
  • Spend time in nature
  • Watch wildlife
  • Be generous
  • Meditate
  • Practise gratitude

What is the healing power?

Energy Healing is a traditional healing system. It helps restore the flow and balance of energy in your soul, mind and body. It directly works with your spiritual, emotional and physical aspects of well-being. Energy Healing is used to treat several mental conditions and ailments.

How can I heal my body naturally?

When you’re sick or injured, you can do a lot to improve the ability of your body to heal. For starters, get enough sleep and drink plenty of water. Eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. Lastly, stay positive.

What is spiritual hurt?

Spiritual Pain is that pain that we experience from areas of our lives that are hidden or undiscovered. It can’t be measured on a pain scale but is real but can have a drastic impact on your emotional and physical health.

What is your soul?

Your Soul is an ethereal counterpart to your human form. It’s infused in every cell of your body and can be understood as your higher self that mirrors your personality.

How do I heal myself mentally?

To heal yourself mentally, ensure that you do the following things:

  • Value yourself
  • Treat yourself with respect and kindness
  • Take care of your mental as well as physical health
  • Surround yourself with good people
  • Learn how to handle stress
  • Quiet your mind
  • Believe in yourself
  • Learn to love yourself
  • Set realistic goals
  • Break up the monotony

The Takeaway

Spiritual advancement is possible in today’s day and age. Bridging the gap between external reality and the reality of your soul is possible. In order to find the meaning and purpose of your life, turn to soul healing.

It’ll not only work from a health standpoint but will also transform your life. It will help you to improve all your problem areas such as relationships, financial health, career/business and all other aspects of your well-being. If left untreated, they lead to mental and physical illnesses.

Hire a professional and certified soul healer that will help you on your spiritual journey.

Soul Healing: Meaning, Benefits, Techniques and More - F and B Recipes (7)

Shristi Patni

Shristi is an avid reader, recipe developer and wellness enthusiast. She’s probably making a mess in her kitchen right now.

Soul Healing: Meaning, Benefits, Techniques and More - F and B Recipes (2024)


What is a soul healing? ›

There are many shamanic approaches to healing soul loss. The most well-known is journeying into the spirit world with the help of a spirit guide to witness the trauma, track the lost soul part, communicate and convince it to return, and retrieve and reintegrate it back into the energy body to return to wholeness.

What is the spiritual healing method? ›

The spiritual aspect refers to spiritual energy working at a deep level on our spiritual being. The healing involves the transfer of energy; in other words, it is not from the healer him or herself, but the healer links with 'Universal' or Divine energy to channel healing for the mind, body and spirit.

What are spiritual healing abilities? ›

Spiritual healers believe that the therapeutic effect results from the channeling of healing “energy” from an assumed source via the healer to the patient. The central claim of healers is that they promote or facilitate self-healing in the patient.

What is a spirit healer? ›

Meaning of spiritual healer in English

someone who tries to make a person healthy without using medicines or other physical methods, sometimes as part of a religious ceremony: They use spiritual healers alongside orthodox medicine.

How do you heal a human soul? ›

My Favorite Modalities of Healing
  1. Mindfulness. This tool is all about actively focusing on the now, the bigger picture of life, and observing our thoughts and feelings -- but without worry, concern, and judgment. ...
  2. Nutrition. ...
  3. Exercise. ...
  4. Meditation/Prayer. ...
  5. Plant Medicine/Psychedelics.
Jan 4, 2023

How do you completely heal your soul? ›

How to Heal Your Soul
  1. Make time for your passions.
  2. Turn inward and explore relaxation meditation.
  3. Dive deep into your feelings.
  4. Practice kindness.
  5. Get plenty of sleep.
  6. Seek counseling.
  7. Deepen your connection with the Divine.

What are the 4 types of healing? ›

Wound healing has four distinct but overlapping phases: (a) Hemostasis [19], (b) Inflammation [20, 21], (c) Proliferation and (d) Remodelling (Figs.

How to heal yourself spiritually? ›

8 ways to improve your spiritual health
  1. Connect with your faith community. According to a Gallup study, 43% of Americans say they belong to a church or other religious body. ...
  2. Volunteer or help others. ...
  3. Practice yoga. ...
  4. Meditate. ...
  5. Keep a journal. ...
  6. Spend time in nature. ...
  7. Focus on your hobbies. ...
  8. Speak with a chaplain or someone you trust.
Jun 26, 2021

What are the three types of healing miracles? ›

The three types of healings are cures, in which an ailment is miraculously remedied, exorcisms, in which demons are cast out of victims, and the resurrection of the dead. Karl Barth said that, among these miracles, the Transfiguration of Jesus is unique in that the miracle happens to Jesus himself.

How do I increase my healing power? ›

6 Ways To Help Your Body Heal Naturally
  1. Make sure you're Healthy. It is much easier for you to recover from a physical injury if you have a solid bill of health originally. ...
  2. Eat Nutrients. ...
  3. Get enough Sleep. ...
  4. Choose Natural Options. ...
  5. The Long Game. ...
  6. Remove Stress. ...
  7. Conclusion.

Can humans have healing powers? ›

The human body has tremendous self-healing capacity and regeneration after injuries and pathogen invasions. These factors are particularly important in older adults which take longer to heal and recover physically.

What are the four healing miracles? ›

Healing Miracles
Healing a Centurion's Servant8:5-13
Healing a Paralytic2:1-129:1-8
Restoring a Man's Withered Hand3:1-612:9-14
Healing a Woman's Haemorrhage5:25-349:19-22
12 more rows

How do I know I'm a healer? ›

13 Signs You're A Healer + How To Start Tapping Into Your Power
  • You sense that you're meant to participate in a global shift in consciousness. ...
  • You've been through a difficult initiation, which has prepared you for this leadership role. ...
  • You are an introvert. ...
  • You feel most at home in nature. ...
  • You're very sensitive.
Aug 11, 2021

What is my spiritual energy? ›

Spiritual energy is the energetic force that exists beyond the physical self. It has roots in all religions but exists beyond that too. In Chinese philosophy and medicine, it is known as 'qi', in yogic meditation and practice it is called 'prana'.

What is a spiritual cleansing? ›

It's a process of really shedding and letting go of who you are, of who you learned to be—or rather, who the world taught you to be, culture, social conditioning, whatever that may be—and learning to let go of all of these ideas.

How do you know when your soul needs healing? ›

You may feel tired even at the start of the day. The things you once loved lose their appeal, and passion seems to have faded away. These are the telltale signs that your soul is in need of rejuvenation. Unlike the visible damages to our physical body, the wear and tear on our soul may not be immediately noticeable.

What does the Bible say about healing the soul? ›

Psalm 147:3

"God heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds." The Good News: No matter how heartbroken you may feel, the pieces will come back together. You will heal. Give it time.

Why is soul healing important? ›

While both soul healing and mind-body balancing are essential for optimal well-being, for the Good & happy meaning of life, it is perhaps more important to heal the soul first. The reason behind this is that thoughts and feelings create our reality.

What is a soul and how does it work? ›

The soul is the "driver" in the body. It is the roohu or spirit or atma, the presence of which makes the physical body alive. Many religious and philosophical traditions support the view that the soul is the ethereal substance – a spirit; a non-material spark – particular to a unique living being.


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